Why Black Grads Wear Kente Stoles on Graduation Day

Kente stoles blend crafted colors artfully and colorfully. Kente stoles are a representation of struggle, achievement, and solidarity. Although a simple piece of clothing like a hand-sewn scarf - it communicates a lot about the African heritage, reinforcing the ancestry’s struggles for equality and justice.

So, why do Black grads wear kente stoles during graduation?

1. Special Achievement

Pervasive discrimination and marginalization have been a long-standing culture among black students. In Brown vs. Board of Education, we see a milestone in educational equality. The fact that black students had opportunities to sit and study in predominantly white schools is perhaps the first educational achievement of the black community. The Kente stole not only reinforces the Black struggle, it amplifies the achievement of Black students amid rising discrimination in school systems.

2. Ancestral Heritage

The Kente Stole is a beautiful artwork of clothing that blends African colors and heritage. The presence of red colors, green, black, and others represent the diversity of the African heritage. The Kente stole helps trace Africanism, reminding students of their struggles and strife. It's a representation of not only academic organization and achievement but symbolizes heritage. This simple piece of clothing blends a rich African heritage.

3. Historic Symbolism

Stoles were adopted by Universities to show academic achievement, academic honor, and organization for black students. Today, West-African-inspired Kente stoles carry a similar attribute: draping this scarf holds strong symbolism. Kente stoles are a symbolic representation of black achievement. This historic symbolism is blended in every piece of Kente stole.

4. Identity and Pride

Identity is a facet of human nature. Humans identify themselves with their immediate surroundings, ancestry, and ethnicity that collectively form their natural heritage. Kente stoles carry a rich symbolism of Africanism, strengthening bonds among African communities across the diaspora. Kente is not only a representation of achievement, ancestral heritage, and historic symbolism – it carries a strong identity. Black grads donning Kente stoles identify themselves collectively as Africans. The stole carries a strong African identity – from rich colors to diverse, decorative patterns.

5. Representation

The inception of Kente stole ceremony was first conceived by student leaders. Many campuses, as part of their commitment to inclusivity and diversity, encourage black students to don Kente stoles. Kente stoles allow representation and inclusivity, in HBCUs (historically black colleges and universities) and especially in predominantly white institutions.

Destiny African Market

Destiny African Market is a one-stop-shop for your African food and goods. Among our most cherished goods is the Kente stole: a vibrant and colorful graduation accessory for grads and tutors willing to cherish their special achievement – graduation.

Adapted from Ghanaian culture, this scarf drapes over your shoulders to show your heritage and achievement. We recognize the need for celebration and offer quality Kente stoles for your celebration. Our stoles are hand-sewn and made of woven silk and cotton. Kente stoles represent accomplishment, allowing you to cherish the moments.

Contact Destiny African Market to order your Kente stole.


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